Saturday 25 July 2015

Dream: Locust Invasion

21 July 2015
I dreamt of a locust invasion that night. The dream started with me being an unfamiliar house with my grandmother. After being aware of the setting, I realised that the house was already infested with some type of brown insect. My eyes zoomed in to one that was nearest to me and saw a praying mantis. I instinctively looked out of the windows and saw that locusts had swarmed the outside. Their number was so large that they almost blackened out the light. 

I immediately ran to one of the windows and pushed it back. It was, weirdly, elastic and was bending to the sheer force of the number of locusts trying to get into the house. 

My mind was preoccupied with 
1) the passing away of Ps Eugene's 10-week old granddaughter 

2) fear of prophecy - Mary and Jenn had both prophesied a daughter and a son in my future but I am now pregnant with my second daughter. Does this mean I would lose one of them? 

1) is the presence of my grandmother significant? I don't sense so. 

2) what does the praying mantis symbolise? A religious people?

3) what has caused this wrath of God?

4) can such a calamity be avoided?

I have no doubt that this dream is God-inspired. When I was on the train and at work, I googled for instances of locusts in the bible and specifically remembered that they were mentioned in the book of Amos. 

Now, because of the nausea I was experiencing in my first trimester, I haven't been reading the bible. Finally being out of the woods and the first time in a long time taking the train to work, I decided to restart my bible in one year reading. Lo and behold, Amos 8 and 9 were referenced in that day's devotional. And Amos 7, which contains the word locusts, was referenced the day before! Hence I am confident the dream is given by God. 

Amos 7:1-3 "This is what the Sovereign Lord showed me: He was preparing swarms of locusts after the king’s share had been harvested and just as the late crops were coming up. When they had stripped the land clean, I cried out, “Sovereign Lord, forgive! How can Jacob survive? He is so small! So the Lord relented. “This will not happen,” the Lord said.”"
So maybe my dream can be avoided if I prayed.