Wednesday 30 September 2015

Becoming Her Own Self

Once upon a time not very long ago I worried there wasn't enough place in my heart for my second baby. 

Once upon a time not very long ago I worried I will never be able to let go of my first born's hand. 

Today however, after celebrating her 2nd birthday, I see those worries as of the past. 

She is no longer the baby who needs to be attached to her mummy's side - she is now her own person, with the ability to voice her likes and dislikes. I can see her independent spirit taking more and more form as each day passes by. 

But most importantly, I can now let go of her hand, for her to become the individual that God has called her to be. It came earlier than expected, but I believe it is the right time - just as I am expecting to hold my second baby in two months' time. 

Gosh, how amazing is His timing, right?

Tears fill my eyes as I type, knowing that my baby is not really a baby anymore. But in my eyes, I will always be ready to baby her whenever she needs me to. 

Daddy God, thank you for such a beautiful gift. She has brought so much joy to me and Mark. She is perfect in every way. 

I pray that you will bless her with good health all her life. That You will direct all her paths and make them straight. That she will be highly favoured in all that she does and with all she comes in contact with. Bless her Lord, with spiritual sensitivity and openness. That she may rise to her calling even from a young age. 

Bless her Lord with Your joy, peace and grace and may she know how to overflow them to those around her. Let her be kind, good, gentle, meek, long suffering, slow to anger, compassionate and quick to praise. Let her be a positive impact on others. 

Lord, also protect her from dangers and the schemes of the evil one. Let Your wings be a shield around her at all times. 

Thank you again, Lord for such a precious daughter.