Wednesday 4 November 2015

A Letter to Abigail #1

Dear Abigail,

You probably won't remember much of your babyhood and toddlerhood by the time you are able to read this. It is such a shame that nature is such because we, as a family, had such a smashing time together. So, mummy is using this platform to fill in those gaps for you. 

Last night was the first night ever you verbalised your preference for daddy over mummy to accompany you to sleep. It's probably understandable since mummy has been too tired and immobile to play with you for long periods of time as of late owing to mummy's growing bump. But we do spend time together reading nursery rhymes, playing make believe - specifically washing Baby Bob's and BJ's bum bum after they poo-poo and even give you a swing or two to Sound of Music's "I am 16 going on 7-8" (haha). Pretty much activities that do not require mummy to move around too much. 

You are only 2 years and 1 month old now but have such wisdom. We really thank God for that. Whenever we ask you to choose between mummy and daddy, you would always lump us as one and say "I love mummy daddy". How in the world did you know that there is in fact a third choice? And to astound us further, you would just suddenly proclaim that you "love Jesus!" out of nowhere. We sure didn't teach you that (but maybe mah mah and yeh yeh did).

You know, I fear for that one day when you finally decide you prefer one over the other. And it will come. Yesterday's event already points to that. 

By the time you understand this letter, I am not sure how our relationship will turn out and whether you love me as much as I hope you do. But know this, that mummy loves you more than you can ever comprehend. You will forever be my baby, my miracle... I love you with all that I have.