Wednesday 28 November 2012

Shekinah Glory Dust Miracle - A Personal Testimony (Part 2)

Okay, I have finally uploaded videos of God’s gold dust manifestation on my hands.

Please expand vid and change quality to 720p (HD) for best viewing.
Please expand vid and change quality to 360p for best viewing.

I last checked on 22 November 2012 and the gold dust was still there. My parents-in-law, a godly couple who are church leaders in KL, were in town then and I showed them. I was pleasantly surprised that the layer of gold dust was unusually thick when I was testifying about it.

Actually, the layer of gold dust seems to be much thicker whenever I am ministering to people, worshipping God or testifying about it. At other times, only a very thin layer can be seen.  

I have had the daily privilege of experiencing this manifestation since 10 October 2012. Read here for my initial account of it. I never thought that it would last this long! But I thank God for His amazing grace and love towards me each day.

Tuesday 27 November 2012

O Lord, Reignite the Fire in Me

A little spiritual flatness has set in, hence the 3-week silence.

I am afraid that bounce in my steps is slowly fading away.

But I will not allow this spiritual dullness to pervade my entire being. I have tasted the goodness of being in God’s presence and I refuse to let go of that.

Today, I am supposed to be fasting for the gift of discerning of spirits but I found myself telling God that I am fasting for the reigniting of my passion for Him. I am pressing in no matter how I feel – lethargic, grumpy, irritable, etc.

My strategy is to do everything that is in the opposite of what I feel. If I don’t feel like worshipping God, I am going to sing louder; if I don’t feel like fasting, I am going to fast anyway; if I feel like just idling my time away by watching TV or sleeping, I will make sure I pick up a Christian book to read. I am going to add as much fuel as I can and wait for God to reignite that fire in me.

I want to be ablaze with passion for God once again.

Monday 5 November 2012

Our First Soaking Session

Unable to get enough of worshipping God together with my fellow brothers and sisters, I organised a soaking session for the church last Saturday. But in the end, I think it was more of a worship session. I don’t think we persevered long enough to quieten our flesh to allow our spirit-man to emerge. Nevertheless, God saw our hunger and allowed us to experience His mighty presence through worship.

God’s Joy Filled the Room
Many received visions/mental pictures, many danced and sang prophetically. On two different occasions, when I was seated down worshipping, I felt water rise up to my nose level. Do you know the floating feeling you usually get after swimming? You feel as though you are still in the water although you are already out of it? Well, it was exactly like that. In one of those occasions, Jenn saw the water and was trying to make eye contact with me to confirm but unfortunately I was too immersed in the new experience to notice! In a separate experience, I felt very light drizzle on my hand as we called for the Holy Spirit to rain down.

Others danced with so much joy in their movements. They were completely stripped of all shyness and just danced for that audience of one. I honestly have never seen them so free and uninhibited. The joy of the Lord is just so amazing!

You know, I really cannot thank God enough for sending Charles B to our first attempt at soaking. He is a missionary Pastor from West Timor currently studying theology here in Singapore and an amazing amazing musician/worship leader. The church had invited him as a guest speaker in late February this year to share about his passion for and experience in the mission field. Not only did he share, he led in worship too! He played the guitar and we worshipped non stop. That night was the night I received my first physical healing and I believe Charles B’s worship anointing had ushered in the healing I needed.

When I first had the idea of organising a soaking session, his name popped into my head the same night. I ignored it. The next day it happened again and again I waved it off. A few days later it came back so I decided to take that leap of faith to invite him. He had already promised to attend a birthday party but asked us to pray for God to make a way for him to come. I was a little crushed, just because I had thought it was God nudging me to invite him. That was Tuesday.

On Friday, I got a message from him saying that he would be able to attend! I found out later that he and his family decided not to attend the aforementioned birthday party because one of his daughters was coughing and so needed rest. So it was indeed God’s will for him to come and I believe the daughter’s coughing must be gone by now.

We were able to have such wonderful and anointed music because of him. I had only prepared four songs for him and other guitarists to play. I know, how silly right? But to be fair, I did prepare another four songs for the pianist to play (didn’t happen cause having Charles B playing was sufficient). He just played other songs as the spirit led. I didn’t even have to prompt him. He was so in tune with the Spirit that whatever he played was apt every moment.

Encouragement for the Night
Me, worship anointing? Charles B back told me that in the car, whilst we were sending him home. I knew I could sing prophetically but having the worship anointing? Wow….

 Towards the end of the soaking session, he turned to me and strummed a tune and asked whether I knew how to sing that song (Jon was playing back-up, so the rest of the church was still busy dancing away). I told him it was only very vaguely familiar so not to rely on me to lead. And then he turned back and started strumming. And rather automatically I burst into a melody. No words just plenty of pum pum pum, pah dap pah dap, pum pum pum…. I have no idea what technique this is called. It was absolutely lovely! It surely wasn’t me, so I am not boasting in myself; I am not so creative. In the past, I could try as hard as I might to harmonise with others or fill up parts of songs where vocals are absent but they would always turn out DISASTROUS. So all praise goes to the Holy Spirit!

What I found out at the end of the session was that he was playing to my melody. And there I was thinking it was the other way round. I thought it was the song he had strummed earlier on. So, apparently there was a partnership between us in the spirit realm – he would anticipate my next line of melody and on my end, I would anticipate what he would play next. Somehow his music and my singing just clicked and we flowed so well. He told me to sing with words next time. Haha I’ll definitely try to listen more closely to the Holy Spirit for the words!

But it isn’t only that. Now, whenever I sing, the Holy Spirit will have a tune for me to either harmonise with or sing alongside the melody. It’s just such amazing gift. It is such an honour to be able to sing such beautiful tunes to the Lord. But it is so humbling at the same time. If by my own might, it is totally not possible. Praise God for the gift.

I have lots more to share about this new gift of mine. Wait for it in the next few posts.

It was a successful worship session. I thank God for His mercy and grace. It’s just so wonderful to be able to bask in God’s love and glory.

God, You are so lovely…

Thursday 1 November 2012

Dancing with Jesus and Angels (Part 2)

Continuation of my account of last Thursday night...

My Unbelief
I assume some of you may be thinking that my church’s seer-in-training has a very active imagination. To be extremely frank, there were fleeting moments where I had my doubts too. But God dealt with my unbelief, no matter how brief those thoughts were.

After service, we went into a short prayer. And as I started praying in the spirit, I asked the Lord what I should be praying for and I saw stage curtains being drawn open. I didn’t exactly know how to interpret that mental image so I just kept praying.

Jenn interrupted us midway to convey what she saw in the spirit for another church member, YY, who was not seen in her earlier vision (see previous post). I won’t dwell much on the vision here since it wasn’t meant for me. All I will say is that it was a beautiful vision that showed how much Jesus loved YY. So, back to Jenn’s vision. The last thing she saw was stage curtains being drawn close! It clicked! I saw the prelude and she saw the body and the ending.

There, no more unbelief!

Thank You, Jesus for being ever so gentle in rebuking my negative thoughts.

Leading a Choir of Angels
Back to when we were still praying. I had progressed into singing in the spirit after a while. I noticed I was singing to a new tune with short intervals between “lines”. Then I saw myself standing some distance from God’s throne, clouds at my feet. Golden hues of light illuminated the background. What I saw was so beautifully captivating.

As I continued singing, I saw hundreds of thousands of angels appearing some distance behind me. They echoed every line I sang with their magnificent choir-like singing. It was so glorious! I then understood why there were unavoidable pauses when I sang. It was for the angels to follow after me. I was leading angels in worship before the throne of God!

I have never been a true worshipper. Praise and worship before service was mostly done out of obedience and routine. I would go through the motions of weekly worship service with boredom in my heart. I sometimes would feel guilty that I was giving half-hearted praises to God. I knew this had to stop because I couldn’t truly love and experience God if I was doing it drudgingly. So, in March during my first prophetic activation workshop in KK, I asked God to make me a true worshipper. And I am glad I can say that I love worshipping Him now!

Yippee, soaking session this Saturday! Can’t wait to experience God in deeper ways!!