Tuesday 27 November 2012

O Lord, Reignite the Fire in Me

A little spiritual flatness has set in, hence the 3-week silence.

I am afraid that bounce in my steps is slowly fading away.

But I will not allow this spiritual dullness to pervade my entire being. I have tasted the goodness of being in God’s presence and I refuse to let go of that.

Today, I am supposed to be fasting for the gift of discerning of spirits but I found myself telling God that I am fasting for the reigniting of my passion for Him. I am pressing in no matter how I feel – lethargic, grumpy, irritable, etc.

My strategy is to do everything that is in the opposite of what I feel. If I don’t feel like worshipping God, I am going to sing louder; if I don’t feel like fasting, I am going to fast anyway; if I feel like just idling my time away by watching TV or sleeping, I will make sure I pick up a Christian book to read. I am going to add as much fuel as I can and wait for God to reignite that fire in me.

I want to be ablaze with passion for God once again.

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