Monday 14 January 2013

Bringing My Goliaths to God

Before David could fully step into his kingship over Israel, he had to first face Goliath. Now, he had already been anointed by Samuel at that time, but before he could step foot into his destiny and into the next level of authority, he had to face Goliath.  

This applies to us today as well. Before we can move into the next level God has called us to, we will have to first face our Goliaths and take them down. Those goliaths in our life will inevitably try to intimidate us, limit and constrain us from possessing what is ours in God. We will have to win the war to move forward.

Matt Sorger aptly says in his blog:

Those that will move to a higher realm of authority need to understand that a sustainable anointing and mantle is not possible without testing and trial. Anointing without testing is not sustainable. God doesn’t want to just give us a temporary anointing or a monetary breakthrough. He wants us to be able to sustain it. The sustainability factor is crucial in this hour. We must contend for increase and sustain it.

Before promotion, you must walk through a place of contention. You must contend with your giant and gain victory over it before the anointing is released to manifest in a greater measure of authority. God anointed what was tested in David’s life.

Promotion will come out of your testings and battles. Smaller battles will make you skilful in winning larger battles. Get happy! Because the areas of your greatest testings are about to become the areas of your greatest anointing!

My goliaths in life are pride and self-righteousness. Of course, if you have read previous posts you would know I have an issue with pride. But God convicted me of my self-righteousness just last week. I know they aren’t very different but aren’t the same either.

 So, I was at a prophetic workshop over the weekend, hosted by my church, and during a session where we had to carry out prophetic acts to remove the giants hindering us from moving forward into our God-intended destinies, God instructed me to place them at his mouth.

If you look at the picture below, you will see a prophetic banner of the Lion of Judah (prophetic banners have different purposes and significance – some are used for spiritual warfare, some for healing, some for deliverance, etc.). Now, the Lion of Judah banner was for made for warfare. The first time round I walked past the Lion of Judah, I felt the prompting to just touch it. And as we marched another round around the room, I came to a halt where the banner was and heard God asking me to bring my goliaths to Him to devour. And that I did. My church mate quietly snapped a picture of me carrying out that action.

I believe by the above action, I am casting the strongholds in my life unto the Lord. By doing that, I am asking God to anoint my testing in life just like the time He anointed David’s testing when He anointed his sling shot. I am going to enter war but not without God’s help! He will deliver me because I have committed my enemies into His hands, in this case mouth! And He has devoured those giants in my life!

You know what? I look forward to that fight and I know I will be victorious because God is on my side! I am aiming for a greater anointing, higher level of authority in God and greater breakthroughs! Woohoo!

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