Tuesday 22 January 2013

My Angelic Encounters Series (Part 1)

My First Angelic Encounter

My first angelic encounter was in a Holy Spirit-inspired dream. How did I know it was God-inspired? Because the content was something I hadn’t been exposed to yet at the time and because it was something grounded in the Word, it couldn’t have come from my soul.

It happened in 2003 when I was still in university and when I was still a baby Christian. Since it happened so long ago, details are a little fuzzy to me. So please bear with me; I will try to recall to the best of my ability.

In the dream, a slightly dark-skinned woman in a white full bodysuit appeared. She had me go through a few stages (maybe 2-3) of testing. I don’t remember the specifics of the first few tests but they definitely involved the supernatural. Although she never once uttered a single word, she was always within eyesight.

In my last testing, I can recall running away from dark forces. I shouted out for her to come help me but she just stood where she was, seemingly unmoved by my plea. I gave up soon after and began praying to God for help. As soon as I called out to God, she zoomed to my rescue.

I replayed this entire dream to my pastor who told me that the woman was an angel. I argued that she did nothing to help me, only to be told that angels don’t react to our demands or orders; they only respond solely to God’s voice and God’s will. Angels are God’s obedient miracle workers who perform God’s miracles for us all for the purpose of bringing God glory. So what happened was, God, upon hearing my prayer instructed the angel to come to my aid.

Having been a non-believer most of my life, I had the wrong impression (influenced by new-age beliefs) that as we worship angels, they respond to our requests. Calling out to the angel in the dream meant that I was completely relying on her to save me, and not God; I had taken God out of the picture! It was meant to teach me that I should only be reliant on God.

I think it was such a cool dream-lesson, don't you?!

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