Tuesday 10 February 2015

My Second Promise

Having Abby has changed my life - I no longer get 10 hour sleeps and definitely no sleep ins. Naps are a luxury and date nights are a rarity. Meals are usually hurried and gone are the days meeting up with friends and what more holidays! 

But I would not change a thing. 

Abby is the joy and pride of my life. She tires me out but boy, does she make my life so much fuller! 

Sometimes I wonder whether I can love someone else as much as I love her and God stops me midway. Love doesn't have to be shared. You can love another person wholeheartedly as well. 

I believe and hold on firmly to the prophecies by Mary Chu and Jenn that my family will comprise of two children. And this prophecy will only be fulfilled with the arrival of a baby boy. Yup, it will be a boy next! 

Mark and I have been trying since June last year but no success yet. To be honest, I have uttered a few inner vows - that I am not ready for and I may not need a second child. Victoria, through God's revelation, called me out on this in December. I have of course proceeded to  ask God for forgiveness and repented. And God has graciously reminded me of His promise through a dream received before CNY. In the dream, I was pregnant and the baby within me was actively stretching. I even saw my hand holding his hand somehow. 

To be honest, there is still some trepidation over having to repeat the sleepless nights in the early months of motherhood and even the 100% of self-immersion into the development of the baby thereafter, I will have to put my trust that God's timing will be perfect and that He will enable me to become the best mother I can be to my second baby. 

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