Monday 17 September 2012

And Indeed We Prophesied!

Praise God for the Holy Spirit's presence amongst our little group on Sunday. I was one of two facilitators that day with five participants for the prophetic activation session I mentioned in my earlier post. All but one of the participants were new to such sessions. I was extremely encouraged to see such boldness in the participants as they ministered God's thoughts to each other, particularly because three of them were only young Christians. Because they were so hungry to hear from God and earnestly tuned their spiritual senses to Him, many words spoken that day resonated with their receivers. 

I only joined two of the activities, which required partnering work. My first partner, Christina gave me a picture of a diamond. I have been asking God to give me a supernatural manifestation of His presence in the form of gemstones for the last couple of weeks. I had heard of a friend's friend receiving such a tangible miracle in her hair! And my friend herself had glory dust on her hands for at lease two weeks (see her youtube video here). Whilst I am happy for them that God showed Himself so real, I am a little envious. Please note that such supernatural occurences do not form the basis of my faith but boy, would it be a bonus if I had something as tangible as that! I am taking that mental picture Christina had to mean God knows of my desire.

My house church also had an impromptu prophetic session during last Friday's service. We only had six persons in attendance that day, and since we were all church regulars and very comfortable with the thought of stirring up our prophetic gifting, we had a wonderful time seeking God's thoughts for each other. My fellow church mates were effective mouthpieces for God that night because whatever they prophesied over me, resounded in my spirit. I shall share some of them in the following paragraphs:

God, speaking through Adrian, said that He sees my every action and whilst they may look small and insignificant, they are in actual fact important and impactful. This has been something I have been struggling with for many years. I often believed that many do not appreciate my efforts in church and much of my goodwill go unseen. Many a times my wise husband had to remind me that whatever I do, I do unto the Lord and that is all that should matter. I suppose I am a little needy when it comes to reassurances. So I am comforted that God is assuring me that my actions, no matter how small they are, mean something to Him and they carry weight in people's lives.

Jessie saw me suspended in heaven and interpreted it as God wanting to bring me to a higher level. However, she mentioned that the background was a dark night with a ray of light shining on me, which she took to mean that I would have to persevere in my walk with God as it won't be that easy. And then she saw me with wings like an angel, soaring with God.  

Mark kept seeing the word 'faith' for me. It's rather apt as I feel that my faith has increased tremendously in the past two weeks. I can't explain why I say so but I feel such an uplifting in my spirit that I just know.

I am also very thankful that God used me to minister to my brothers and sisters that day, giving them words of comfort that they needed and words of confirmation that they have been waiting for. It is an awesome feeling that God is willing to use such a broken vessel like me and that a sinful person like me could tune in to God's thoughts. And you know what? Friday was the first time I stepped out in faith and sang prophetically. It was just a simple song but it was the work of the Holy Spirit because never in a million years would I be able to compose a song with tune and all! I was so touched by the Holy Spirit that my voice quivered as I sang and tears started to form.

I can't wait for the large scale prophetic workshop in Kota Kinabalu this October! I pray that God will use me powerfully!

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