Tuesday 25 September 2012

Spiritual Breakthrough Coming!

Something new happened to me on Sunday morning - I missed God.

I had been spending time with God daily for two whole weeks before my family arrived from Malaysia on Tuesday to visit. As I only see them at most three times a year, it was difficult to set some time aside for God during their very short stay of six days. Furthermore, I could only manage a one day leave on Friday. So on Sunday morning, I felt my heart longed for God. It just happened, out of the blue and I don't think I was thinking about God before that. It was truly the first time I ever felt that way.

Crack in a dam.I think it could be possible that I have encountered a minor breakthrough in my spiritual life. Like water seeping through a crack in the wall of a dam. I have been on spiritual highs before but oftentimes they just naturally diminished into nothingness as worldliness always found a way back into my life. Not this time. I can feel an elevation in the spirit; like I have been put on higher ground, with the world further from my easy reach. This blog is a tremendous aid in helping me focus on God and His Kingdom. I am praying hard that as I continue to seek after God, the crack in that dam will widen and eventually fully crack open for a full breakthrough to occur!

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