Thursday 13 September 2012

Spiritual senses

Last night, I asked the Lord to open up my five spiritual senses.

I'd like to believe that I am already rather sensitive to the spirit realm as I have encountered countless demonic attacks (usually in the state of sleep) and I do occasionally receive dreams that are of God. However, I have never really had my senses opened whilst I am awake. For instance, I don't think I have ever shown a response to the Holy Spirit (think falling, rolling, laughing, etc). Of course I don't doubt the power of the Holy Spirit, it's just that I would love to feel a more tangible manifestation of the spirit.

I think many are fearful of the spiritual realm and reject it. But the Bible is full of examples that the spiritual realm is indeed real and that we should embrace it. There is an awesome account in 2 Kings 6 of the participation and interaction of angels in the human realm:

In 1 Kings 19:19-21, Prophet Elijah cast his mantle upon Elisha. When Elijah's time on earth was almost up, Elisha boldly asked for a double portion of his anointing and God allowed it to come to past  (see 2 Kings 2:9-13).

Elisha had two disciples in the course of his minitry; his first servant was called Gehazi whowas eventually disqualified from becoming Elisha's successor due to greed (see 2 Kings 5:20-27), at which point Elisha took on a new servant whose name is not revealed.

Now, the king of Aram was at war with Israel. As we read in 2 Kings 6:13-14, the king had sent his whole army to surround the city just to capture Elisha, who had foiled his every attack plan. This is where it gets exciting for me. When Elisha's servant saw the army of horses and chariots that had encircled them, he became terrified, asking Elisha, "Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?" And came the prophet's answer, "Don't be afraid. Those who are with us are more than those who are with them." And Elisha uttered this prayer, "Open his eyes, LORD, so that he may see" and the servant's spiritual eyes saw hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha (see 2 Kings 6:15-17).

How awesome is that? That must have been one heck of a scene! How I wish I could be given such glimpses into the spiritual realm every now and then (yeah, you got that right - how can once be sufficient?). I'm hoping that one day I'll be able to share my own experience (in awake mode) here. 

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