Tuesday 9 October 2012

Encounters with God at KK (Part 2)

Here's a list of Day 2 God encounters in Kota Kinabalu:

(Temporarily) Carrying God's Burden
On Day 2 of the workshop, our first prophetic activation activity was to group ourselves according to similar prayer burdens. Naturally, some of us Singaporeans came together to prophesy over our nation.

When we started praying in tongues, I immediately saw God's Spirit, in the form of an eagle, flying over a map of Singapore, surveying a place to land. But I sensed that He just could not find a landing spot. And the ground below Him was dry and cracked, which I believe symbolise spiritual drought. 

Now, having a few seasoned pastors in my midst, I tried to quietly fade into the background (unfortunately, I am still rather conscious of how lackluster my vocab is when it comes to praying or prophesying). Have you ever experienced pockets of stone-dead silences during prayer meetings, where everyone waits for everyone else to pick up from the last person? Well, this was far from the scenario I was in. Everyone was so involved and intense when giving their prophecies. One after another, they just kept on going! Everyone else had finished their first round of prophesying and some, their second round whereas I still hadn't said anything! I felt Pastor Mary's fingers brushing against my leg, urging me to say something but I just could not find an entering. That was how intense the whole group was! A little while later, Pastor Alice (who is 82 years old btw) fully aware that I hadn't had a go at it yet, started telling people around just that =).

So, I had no choice but to inject myself in the next moment I could. As soon as I opened my mouth, God's words and emotions just flowed forth from my entire being. Before I opened my mouth, I was like a dry riverbed but as I opened my mouth in faith, God's anointing just rained upon me causing words and emotions to overflow and gush forth. It was exactly like what Jesus said in John 7:38, "Out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water." As I spoke about God's eagle having no place to land and about spiritual deadness in Singapore (I believe my exact words were 'zombies' and 'rotten flesh'), I started hearing wailing from the people around me. Well, I know for sure Pastor Mary was crying and calling out for God to not turn away from Singapore. The group just instinctively huddled closer together and Pastors Mary and Alice pulled me in closer to tighten the circle. I could feel that we had struck something in the spirit realm.

To be honest, I am not one who carries a natural burden for any community/group of people or any specific nation. That was why I chose to remain quiet as long as I could. I had no burden to speak up. But, I believe that as I availed myself to the workings of the Holy Spirit, He just caused this dry riverbed to swell up with His living water. In addition to that, I believe I was operating under a cloud of anointing of the people around me. So, the Holy Spirit could more easily operate through me.

An Increase in Compassion & Prophetic Singing
In the evening, we made a visit to the hospital where Janet's sister, Cecilia was being warded. I ran into a problem of over-spiritualising things, which I will talk about in a separate post because I want to concentrate on godly encounters here. Jessie, EW, Janet, Janet's niece-in-law and I were brought into the ICU to pray and lay hands on Cecilia. We took turns talking to her, praying over her and Jessie encouraged me to sing prophetically over her. When I received the gift of singing in tongues, I also received the gift of prophetic worship. At the hospital, it was only my second time singing a new song as the Spirit led. Now, I can only recall that it was about inviting Jesus, our Saviour and Healer, into our midst and asking for His mercy and healing to flow in Cecilia. Tears just started streaming down my face and my whole face was wet in no time. I so badly wanted Jesus to come and heal her; to wake her up from her unconsciousness; to see life restored to the listless woman in front of me.

I was shocked at my display of emotions but didn't think much of it after that until Jessie told me that she sees God increasing my capacity to love others or developing compassion within me for others (you see, I have always struggled with my lack of compassion for people and have occasionally asked God to help me see others through His eyes). When I sang in that hospital ward, I came to love a stranger...

Stay tuned for Day 3...

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