Thursday 11 October 2012

Shekinah Glory Dust Miracle – A Personal Testimony (Part 1)

I talked about my experience of hearing angels sing during a prophetic activation workshop in KK last week here. That happened on 3 October 2012. On 10 October 2012, exactly a week after, God blessed me with another manifestation of His Glory – shekinah gold dust.

I have been yearning for such signs and wonders for a while now, as shared here. And it is partly because of these desires that I set up this blog – to be able to one day share about my own supernatural encounters. I thought I would have to press in for at least two years before I could have such experiences.  But God is so gracious.

Mark and I were in bed, listening to the following recordings of angelic worship on YouTube:

Revival Alliance Conference, UK, 31 Aug 2012

Patricia King Glory School Conference, Singapore, Apr 2011

I wanted him to have an understanding of what I had heard in KK. The singing I heard is very much like the ones in the videos but clearer and very much more audible (not so much in the background like these). When I went to the washroom to clean up before bed, I checked my hands for gold dust out of habit. I must have been doing this on a consistent basis for at least two months now.  Always nothing but not this time! I saw very fine specks of glitter on my palms. By the way, I absolutely, without a doubt know how to identify glitter from my own make up. I rushed to Mark’s bedside lamp to take a better look and Mark confirmed it was gold dust. I went back to wash my hands numerous times to authenticate the manifestation and the gold particles came back every single time. It has been three days and I still have them on my hands! Praise God!

The glitter isn't so apparent in pictures and I can't seem to insert my high reso videos here. It's basically a very thin layer of glitter-like substance. They are pretty well-spread out throughout my palm area and finger tips.

What is God's purpose for allowing this manifestation, you may ask? I strongly believe it is for the following reasons:
1)      to assure me that my angelic encounter in KK was authentic (since I received the gift while focusing on angelic worship)
2)      to confirm my new ministry in counselling
3)      to encourage me to keep moving in the direction of praying and pressing in
(There are certain events that validate the inclusion of Points 2 and 3)

God is so awesome! Every one should desire to see more of His glory! I can't get enough of it now! =)

UPDATE (28 Nov 2012): Please see my latest blogpost on God's manifestation of gold dust here for my embedded youtube videos.


  1. Thank you so much for posting this! I'm 20 years old, been a Christian all my life. These past few years I felt I strayed away from God and ended up letting my heart get broken by people who were not good for me. I recently started going to church again. During worship, I literally asked God to just hug me and comfort me with His love. I asked the Holy Spirit to stay with me. That was about a week ago and I've had the glory dust on my hands ever since! It looks exactly like your photo! I've been trying to get a photo using my ipod, but haven't had any luck. This is the first time in all the 20 years of my life so far, that I've ever experienced this glory dust. All this week it's been appearing on my hands (both on the tops & on the bottoms of my hands). I can wash my hands over and over again and it will come back no matter what! And not just at church! But at work, at school, everywhere I go! : )

  2. Praise God! Make this experience your anchor so that you will never stray again. This experience is definitely one of the strongest pillars for me, knowing that God responded to me in such a personal way. It was a sign that God is ever so present, just that we are unaware of Him most of the time. Press in and press on for more of His manifestations! God bless you ever more abundantly! Keep in touch!

  3. Why does the glory dust sometimes go away? I got it but it was a green gold dust all over my body. Firs it was silver on my hand palms, then it got like bigger glitter and then the greenish fine gold all over my body. And now it is all gone, I miss the glory dust.

  4. I have the same Glitter like substance. I noticed it in summer of 2019. It really comes when in the sun. Yesterday it was all around my eyes. It is all over my body at times and gets on all of my clothes at times, as well. Praise God!
