Monday 29 October 2012

Dancing with Jesus and Angels (Part 1)

My little house church took place on Thursday in view of the Hari Raya Haji holiday on Friday. It was a small group that night, only four of us when we started, with Jessie joining us later on. The rest were travelling during that long weekend.

As a relatively young church, we don’t exactly know the art of pressing into deep worship and I have never been interested to do so until now. Like I have mentioned before in my previous posts, I believe I have recently started walking closer to God.

It was last Tuesday (read here) that I first experienced being transported to the heavenly realms and to stand before the throne of God during praise and worship. So, being the worship leader that night, I was determined to advance the group a little higher up the holy worship mountain of God.

I didn’t feel any spiritual breakthrough in worship until the third and last song. Even then, the beginning was a little bit flat, but I persevered. And it wasn’t long before I felt it, that release. I sang my heart out and in the spirit, releasing whatever sound or words that came from my spirit-man. The experience was a little bit different from the one on Tuesday, though. I don’t think we went on long enough to be brought before God’s throne but I could definitely feel God’s glory being present. It was such a wonderful time, at least for me, to be singing praises unto the Lord.

Something noteworthy: As I sang, I felt both my hands becoming numb. Nothing I did with my hands was numbness-inducing. Sure, I lifted my hands to God but not for long periods of time. Furthermore, they weren’t only intensely numb, they were also extraordinarily heavy. I felt that shortly on Tuesday too. In both cases, I just dismissed them.

Now, here comes the interesting part. We have a seer-in-training in our church, Jenn. She’s extremely sensitive to the spirit realm and is able to see Jesus, angels and even demons. After worship, I asked her whether she saw anything. She didn’t during the first two songs but during the third song, she saw Jesus in the living room. In the spirit, she saw herself running over to hug Him. He then told her that a leader would emerge to lead the church forward and also that some members would be reluctant follow suit. But Jesus also comforted her by saying that they will eventually be influenced or magnetised by the rest to move forward. Just like atoms, when one vibrates, the rest in the atomic structure will do so too. (I have underlined words that she heard Jesus speak)

After that, she saw a black hooded figure standing before Jesus who then cast it out. According to her, there were other dark figures in the periphery but they were warded off by angels. She then saw me holding hands with Jesus (to my left) and an angel (to my right). She herself was on Jesus’ left. Together with other angels (not as big as the one written here) we all formed a circle that covered the entire living room. She described my attire to be white with a golden sash at my waist and my hair was let down. All these she saw with her eyes closed, but she felt that angels were dancing around me.

So with all that, I conclude that the numbness and heaviness I felt in my hands were because I was holding on to Jesus and an angel! The sensation only left after she concluded her seer account. Praise God for new experiences every time we press in harder.

There’s more to the night. Will update again…

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