Thursday 25 October 2012

We’ll Be Blessed Because We Came!

Tuesday was the second time I attended the weekly Shalom Prayer Fellowship at Metropolitan YMCA. I was initially reluctant to go because I was sleepy and had a very sore back. But I knew I had to because I was starting to lose focus on God and I wanted to be disciplined in this respect. And boy, am I glad I attended!

Here were some of my experiences:

Deeper Level of Worship
Rivers of praise and worship flowed from deep within my inner man resulting in beautiful sounds that could only originate from God’s spirit living in me. Like I mentioned here, I could not sing in the spirit at all before. And just a mere seven months later, I am able to sing such glorious and spontaneous tunes.  It didn’t come immediately, though. The first 3-4 songs were unfamiliar to me and the height of the experience only came towards the end of the last song. We were all spending some time just worshipping the Lord in our own words and suddenly from deep within me gushed forth songs of the Spirit. I felt like I was being transported to another realm of deeper worship. I just left all my inhibitions aside and sang as the Spirit led. Gosh, the experience was just so awesome! I must add that it helped to have an award-winning concert pianist playing the keyboard! She really helped usher in God’s presence.

At one point, I felt my knees buckling. My body was summoning me to bow down before God’s throne. But at the same time, I could sense that the worship session was ending so I resisted. And it did end soon after. If only the worship leader knew that deeper worship had only just begun!

Physical Sensing
We had a prophetic activity where people were supposed to pray and ask God for a word of knowledge to bless the people in attendance. I asked God to give me a word via physical sensation just because I have never really felt it before. Okay I have felt joy, loneliness and other emotions but nothing concretely physical. And soon after, I started to burn neck-up. You know when you drink alcohol and you get hot flushes?

I asked Mark to feel my neck and he was taken aback by how hot it was. Okay, I chickened out and didn’t share my “word of knowledge”. No one looked like they had fever and I wasn’t even sure it meant fever. For a moment there, I was more focused on the manifestation rather than asking God what it meant and who it was for. Bad, I know. It lasted about 5 minutes before the heat subsided back to normal.

Second Healing Experience
I had been suffering from a sore back since a week ago and have been nagging Mark to accompany me for a massage (nag because Mark dislikes massages as he gets ticklish). The pain intensified so much that even lying down incurred pain. So Mark prayed for me before we slept. Lo and behold, I woke up healed!

I must add that he did pray for healing to happen a few nights before but with no effect. I think God allowed healing to take place specifically after the prayer meeting because our hearts were focused on Him, because we sought Him out. And I think the anointing from the prayer meeting just stuck on to Mark. Or maybe he has the gift of healing? I sure hope so!

God is just so awesome, isn't He?

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