Tuesday, 16 October 2012

God’s Message to the Church (Confirmed by Angel Sighting)

Church started without me on Friday as I had to attend my company’s annual dinner at Equinox. I tried my best to leave as early as I could, in fact I was the first one to leave the room, as Jessie was going to talk about new directions for the church and I knew something big was going to happen. I reached home around 10.45pm to find that church was still ongoing and EW was sharing about our God-experiences in Kota Kinabalu. After that, we moved into prayer. Jessie called for the kids to come downstairs to be prayed for. I believe the adults were already prayed for by EW and Jessie before I got home.

As EW moved around praying for them and their parents, I sat down and prayed and I received an image-instruction for the church. I saw our church members linking arms with one another, forming a circle. And we were ascending upwards as a church in the sky, with clouds around us. However, I also saw one of us being weighed down by an invisible force and it looked like she was giving up and letting go but in the nick of time, I saw her neighbours re-linking their arms around hers and pulling her back up with us. As we were about to close, I gathered our members nearer and conveyed God’s instructions to them. EW immediately took the initiative of linking arms as a prophetic act. I cautioned every member to not be left behind; to not let go of one another. For those in spiritual dryness, allow water from others to overflow into their cups; to set aside any issue of pride, insecurity, defeat, unforgiveness, lethargy etc. that could potentially weigh them down and/or keep them from asking fellow brothers and sisters for support. After I was done, Jessie closed us in prayer whilst our arms were still linked up. It was such a perfect way to end our ‘first’ service (after new directions were set).

Later on (many of them stayed back to chit chat), I found out that Jenn, our resident seer, saw a 2.5m tall angel standing behind me, slightly bent over my head, when I was praying (most likely the reason I received the message-instruction above). How exciting, right! Although she doesn’t remember whether it was a closed or open vision, she recalls going over (still in the vision) to touch one of his wings and noted it didn’t feel like feathers! (Ok, although some might argue angels don’t have wings, I believe God sometimes uses our imagination to send his messages across and in any case, she says it doesn’t feel like what it looks) She described the angel to be wearing a shining garment with silver glitter. Maybe that explains my gold dust manifestation? =)


I’m so joyful that God allowed Jenn to see the angel. It confirms that the message I gave the church was indeed God’s very own instruction and it is encouraging that God chose to give His message through me. You see, I worry that it would be harder for God to use me as I get sucked back into the realities of life in Singapore. Anyways, I am going to press in even harder now to ensure that I continue to avail myself to God!  

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