Wednesday 3 October 2012

Off for Advanced Prophetic Workshop

I'm off to Kota Kinabalu from 2-6 October for an advanced prophetic activation workshop organised by Arise Malaysia. I was there in March for Level 2 where an estimated 50 participants spent five days prophesying over each other. There, we stirred up our gift of prophecy (2 Timothy 1:6). The longest time we were asked to prophesy over one person was half an hour! I wonder how long it will be this time.

I am excited but at the same time concerned that my spiritual senses cannot measure up to the rest. I want to be able to encourage, edify and comfort (1 Corinthians 14:3) those I prophesy over with greater accuracy and impact, which requires both sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and also wisdom in making sense of the message given. I know what it feels like when receiving generic prophecies. I am not discounting them, but it would be great if prophecies could be more precise to the person's situation / need at hand.

I have been praying hard over the last few weeks for a greater encounter with God during this event. I pray that to see more clearly into the supernatural, to hear Him in a more audible voice and to feel what He feels. Would be great too if I could catch a whiff of the supernatural or even taste it (to be substantiated with examples when I get back). Above all, I pray that God will use me mightily to minister and bless others there!

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